Gerry Brown - The Voice of Experience

Conference Chairperson, Podcast & Webinar Host, Voiceover Artist



Contact Gerry



Gerry Brown is an experienced speaker, presenter and workshop facilitator who has been working with a wide range of businesses in the UK and Canada for over 40 years to help them enhance their customer service capabilities to deliver great customer experience. He has worked closely with customer facing staff to hone their presentations, enhance their customer interactions and conversational skills through the use of workshops, experience journey mapping and coaching.

He is a frequent conference presenter and chairman and a frequent guest on webinars and podcasts. He is a member of the Professional Speaking Association (PSA) and the Global Speakers Federation (GSF) and has used his membership in these organisations to enhance and hone his speaking skills. He can bring an engaging and authoritative voice delivered with humour and empathy to a wide range of audio and video productions. (See the Services tab for more details)

Only the Best


I know that there is more than one way to help you to deliver important and memorable messages that can accurately reflect your corporate image and the products and services that you provide. Here are the main services I offer and that I believe can be adapted to meet your specific needs and your organization’s budget.   


For over 40 years, Gerry has been engaged as a business adviser, consultant and trainer to a wide range of businesses in the UK, Canada and the US to help them develop a compelling and sustainable customer experience culture and strong corporate reputation. Through this extensive experience he truly understands the importance of consistently and confidently demonstrating these characteristics and can help businesses develop and deliver impactful. authentic and memorable corporate messages to their customers, colleagues and stakeholders.


Getting your corporate message across via a commercial is equally important and meaningful, but perhaps delivered in a different, more light-hearted fashion to both stimulate and attract the audience to your products and services. Gerry is equally at home in delivering these types of messages as these examples show.


Gerry is an avid history and current events enthusiast and recognises the importance that a compelling and serious voice can bring to a narration, but without being boring or monotonous. Once again his corporate and training experience provide him with the cadence and flexibility to bring your production to life.

Audio Books

The audiobook market has exploded and shows no signs of slowing down. As a published author himself, Gerry understands the value of being able to articulate a story as effectively through the spoken word, to really lift the story off the page, and this example is from his own book “When a Customer Wins, Nobody Loses”


Gerry regularly chairs conferences, facilitates workshops and webinars as well as being a frequent podcast guest. You can invite Gerry to speak at your events and to share his ideas with you. The goal with each presentation is to inform, inspire and entertain in equal measure and to leave your audiences re-energized and rededicated to the tasks at hand.


Contact Gerry today 


What People are Saying

“Gerry should be your first call”

“Gerry has both presented, and been a co-chair, at a number of our Engage Customer conferences. He brings infectious energy and professional and personal experiences that makes customer experience come alive. Delegates have praised his enthusiasm, passion, subject knowledge and entertaining style. If you are seeking an engaging, eloquent and inspirational speaker on all things customer related, then Gerry should be your first call”

Steve Hurst

Editorial Director, Engage Business Media



“Gerry was an instant hit”

“Gerry presented at our Customer Contact Executive MindXchange in Lisbon as our Keynote. His in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and smooth presentation skills made him an instant hit. He proved to be an outstanding speaker, very well-rehearsed and got the point across successfully. “

Caryn Brown

Senior Director of Production, Frost & Sullivan

“Another successful experience”

“Gerry’s energy was electric at the Customer Experience Exchange for Telecoms. All attendees, and myself included, were moved by his thought-provoking insights and experiences based on his impressive career in customer experience and service. He was calm, concise and always had a value-add comment as chairman of the Exchange – this is a difficult package to find in a speaker. In addition to his existing responsibilities as chairman, Gerry stepped in at short notice with expert insights when needed and was able to steer smaller discussion groups just as well as he was able to speak in front of a full room of experts. I felt my event was in safe hands with Gerry at the steering wheel!”

Kimia Allahverdi

Event Director IQPC CX Telecoms Exchange



“I highly recommend Gerry”

“Gerry presented to over 250 contact centre professionals at our Annual Conference last year and the feedback was great, with delegates rating Gerry ‘above standard’ on content and ‘excellent’ on delivery. If you’re looking for an engaging, confident speaker who can apply real life case studies and anecdotal notes backed by industry research and rich content then I highly recommend Gerry.”

Tracy McAvoy

Business systems

I would love to hear from you:

You can call me on +44 7798932355



"I felt my event was in safe hands with Gerry at the steering wheel!"


Kimia Allahverdi

Event Director IQPC CX Telecoms Exchange